Monday, July 10, 2006

Kata chuck form one

Stand with the chucks in each hand, held closed, slightly behind your butt.
(note - a nunchuck or chuck or nunchaku is a pair of 10" wood dowls connected by strings or chains)

Taisho says : "Chamber Chucks"

The kohai: drop a handle of each of the chucks, spin them backwards outside the arms up to the shoulders, then spin once forward outside the arms and catch them under your arms.

kata, kata
chuck form one, chuck form one, bow

Step forward with right leg into hard bow and spin only the right chuck:
- forward, outside arm, inside arm, outside arm, against the inside of thigh
- backwards, outside of arm and over shoulder
- forwards, outside of arm and finish under the arm pit

repeat with left leg forward into hard bow left and using left chuck

step to the left into left hard bow, facing left. With the right chuck:
- spin across the body against your the left side
- double spin from the left across your body striking the right side
- backwards, single spin onto shoulder
- forwards, spin outside of arm and finish under the arm pit

right forward kick into hard bow right with a wide stance and with both chucks:
- backwards, spin outside of arms and up to shoulders
- forwards, outside of arms and between legs
- backwards, outside of arms and over shoulders
- forwards, outside of arms and under arm pits

move right leg pivoting 180 on left so you turn from left to right finishing in hard bow right and strike:
- left chuck to right side
- spin once and to left side
- spin outside of arm and up to shoulder
- spin outside of arms and down under arm

front kick with left leg step forward finishing in wide horse stance and with both chucks:
- spin outside of arms and to shoulders
- spin outside of arms and to inside legs
- spin outside of arms and to shoulders
- spin outside of arms and under arms

step forward to the left (facing north with left leg) and bring right leg up to legs are together
- strike with right chuck to left side
- strike right side
- strike up t shoulder
- spin once outside of arms and into arm pit

Repeat with left chuck

Then both chucks:
- spin outside of arms, inside of arms, outside of arms and up to shoulders
- step right into horsestance spinning outside of arms and inside to legs
- step back to legs together spinning outside of arms and up to shoulder
- step into left horsestance spinning outside of arms and down into legs
- step back into legs together spinning up outside of arms to shoulder
- spin outside of arm and under arms
- bow grabbing both chuck handles into hands, lift right leg up, put it down so that your legs are shoulder width apart

Here's a full speed performance of kamaset..

Click "Play" to watch the video

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