Tuesday, August 29, 2006
XMA Form 1
Stand with the legs together, hands at your side. A little attitude helps here.
Kata. Kata
XMA Form one, XMA Form one.
Step back with your right leg so that you face sideways while continuing to look forward (now over your left shoulder). Legs shoulder width apart. Arms stiff slightly out from the side. Here you need ALOT of attitude.
Right foot steps forward so we're facing forward, legs apart, X block up, looking up.
Then slowly curl the fingers and move arms into a slow double block down.
Now Look left and add a double-helping of attitude.
Step forward to the left while chopping left in a reverse hard bow, then punch left with the right hand into a regular hard bow.
Now do the same to the other side: Stay in the hardbow left, chop right, punch right with the left hand shifting to a hard bow.
Left foot forward, punch forward.
Bring legs together facing Left. But look forward (over right shoulder) and Push down with your right hand.
Right side kick forward, plant the foot next to the other one.
Spin left around 360 and then left chop forward, right punch in hard bow.
Front right kick, another 360 spin, left chop forward, right punch, fall to one knee.
Stand, X block up, double block down.
Put the right elbow down into the back of the open left hand while lowering the body a little: XMA form one.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Chuck Form One - professional write-up
Click "Play" to watch the video
Start Position: Set
Chamber Chucks
"Kata, Chuck form one".
Right leg 45 hard bow
Right arm: circle in, circle out, circle down(inside theigh), circle up, chamber
Left leg 45 hard bow
Left arm: circle in, circle out, circle down(inside thigh), circle up, chamber
Left leg position: left hard bow
Right arm: left hip, circle over, circle up, circle chamber
Back leg front kick, plant hard bow
Both arms: Circle up, circle down, circle up, circle chamber
Shift position right
Right leg position: right hard bow
Left arm: right hip, circle over, circle up, circle chamber
Back leg front kick, plant hard bow
Both arms: Circle up, circle down, circle up, circle chamber
Post (both legs together,chucks chamber)
Right arm: left hip, over, circle up, circle chamber
Left arm: right hip, over, circle up, circle chamber
Circle up
Horse stance right: circle down
Post: circle up
Horse stance left: circle down
Post: circle up, chamber
Bow (drop chucks in full grip)
Monday, August 14, 2006
Three Set Kuma Tai
This is a somewhat confusing kama in which lines of people face each other across the room, do a few moves, run past each other, do some more moves, and then set up facing each other to do a variation on the same. I have seen only a few people do it elegantly (emphasis on the word few). But I have hopes.
So far, my efforts bring smiles (ok, smirks) to the instructor's faces along with comments about knowing my left and right, not trying to kneel and kick with the same leg at once, perhaps trying to land before kneeling etc etc.
Sometimes it starts with a passthrough where the kohai run past with a high five. It's a way to warmup and check that the lanes are clear.
One. Position. Ready. Ready, for one, means:
Face sideways, left side forward, legs together.
Front block down with left hand, right outward block with right hand.
Step forward with the left leg into a horse stance. The right hand in a chop comes across the chest, the left comes up showing knive edge (ie chop) .
Front right kick,s tepping forward, and then run across the floor.
Jumping right knee up, then front kick with left foot.
Land. Put right knee down and punch with the left.
Spin 180 (towards the side with knee down) finishing with back kick up with right foot and looking over your right shoulder (on your knees, hands on the floor).
Two. Position. Ready.
Xblock, step back into knife edge posture...front kick....return to knife edge posture...spining back hook returning to knife edge posture.......
Run across the floor...
jump front right kick finishing with a hardbow right foot forward and left punch out.
Circle kick with back left leg reversing punch.
Three. Position. Ready.
Turn sidesways and two outward blocks so you look like you are showing your muscles.
Slowly right punch into horsestance. Return to knife edge posture.
More running across the floor.
Flying side kick with right leg. Finish with knife edge.
Details to remember.
Open or closed hands? Many people get confused on whether their hands should be open or closed on different kata. On 3 set kuma tai, it's alot of open knife hands. For instance. on the first one, the left hand is in front open and the right hand is open in chop at chest level.
On the second hand, after the x block, both hands are again open in the same pose as one both before the front kick and then after the front and spin hook kick.
On the third one, after the double block and slow punch, you again hit that same pose with both hands open.
Slight jump to show agility. Although no instructor has mentioned it, there are a few times when you must leave a low posture to start running. For instance, on the third one when you are in a low horse stance. Instead of going directly into a run (which is awkward from a horse stance), it looks better if you start by sort of jumping up a tiny bit and then starting to run. Only my opinion on this one....
Eight Count Kicking
Class - Position
Taisha - Hands up
Class - Hands up - pull them both up in guard, legs together...
One - Right front kick - tia
Two - Left front kick - tia
Three - right side kick to the right - tia
Four - left side kick to the left - tia
Five - double right roundhouse low, high - tu, tia
Six - double left roundhouse low, high - tu, tia
Seven - heel kick, round house right - tu, tia
Eight - same to the left - tu, tia
Note - a heal cick starts as a side kick but ends with a backwards swing hitting with the heel. The roundhouse follows directly so the leg stays in the air.
Punch both hands down forward into Position,
Wait for taisho,
Then "thank you sir" going into relaxed stance.
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Six Count Kicking
Taisha - Position
Class - Position
Taisha - Hands up
Class - Hands up - pull them both up under the chin
One - Right front kick - tia
Two - Left front kick - tia
Three - right side kick to the right - tia
Four - left side kick to the left - tia
Five - right roundhouse to the right - tia
six - left roundhouse to the left - tia
Punch both hands down forward into a
Wait for taisho,
Then "thank you sir" going into relaxed stance
Advanced - Front choke Release
- Grab the thumb of each hand pulling them up and out with your right hand as you step forward kneeing with your right knee and stepping across their body
- With your right hand, reach behind their and pull them forward across the body while you raise your left hand leveraging their face down into your right knee which comes up to their face a few times
tia tia
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Advanced - Rear choke hold
- Reach up with your left hand across your neck and grab their right hand by the thumb. Hold it tight.
- Step out to the side with your left foot shifting your body so that you can slap with your right hand into the attackers groin.
- With the same hand that slapped, elbow up into the attackers chin
- With your left foot, step forward to the right and step back with the right continuing your rotation
- You left hand continues to hold their hand against your body, your right hand reaches behind their neck and pulls them to follow your rotation
- As they fall forward, knee up into their face and groin a few times.
tia tia