John Edelson, Kate Edelson, David Edelson |
Elite Force Martial Arts (Previously, the National Training Center of Lavallees Black Belt Champions) |
Looking forward, I don't know if my son will get back involved. If so, he would be in the adult program now so that would be a whole new spin on things.
A second headline is that the dojo has gone through a transition in leadership and has a new name: Elite Force Martial Arts. I may or may not ever publish my thoughts on recent events. I did write-up a post, a sort of eulogy or "Speaker for the Dead" (anybody else read Orson Scott Card?) about the recently deceased (at his own hand) Kyoshi Steve Lavallee. In the words of the Grateful Dead, "What a long strange trip it's been."
I'm sticking with the school and if it weren't for something that's gone wrong with my right hip, I would go get my third black belt. My plan going into the summer was to work intensively on my cardio and flexibility to see if I was ready to go through another cycle. The cardio effort became a series of triathlons that I've really enjoyed. The flexibility effort was increased stretching and some hot yoga classes. This has not been successful. My hip has gone steadily more painful and less useful. So, I've been careful to stay off pain killers but I've backed off the stretching and am going to dig out a hip specialist to give me some direction. The last few months have resulted in some pretty bad pain whenever I try to go through a routine kicking drill so....
Oh, and I joined an online groups of old fart martial artists. No kidding, that's the name of the group. If anyone stops by from there, leave a comment.